Which Kingdom Queen do you prefer?

I have five Kingdom queens who rule equally in my series of Kingdom Fantasy (portraits below).

All pay tribute to their namesake and honor their title as fairytale queens. Yet even these queens have shortcomings. The residents of Kingdom, though ruled by all five, see the queens as we see celebrities on Earth. And like us, they prefer one to the others (and sometimes make themselves up like them). Who would you prefer if you lived in Kingdom?


The queen of queens. The “rule equally” thing wouldn’t work without her guidance.

Source Fairy Tales: Penta (Italian), The Maiden Without Hands (Grimm)

Pro: Takes on the “oldest sibling burden.” Sacrifices everything for her people and her sisters.

Con: Her temper can get the best of her at the worst of times.


The warrior queen. She fights how she loves – with everything she has. 

Source Fairy Tales: The Marsh King’s Daughter (Andersen), Helga (Icelandic)

Pro: Don’t let her stony exterior fool you, she has as much a fairytale princess heart as any of the rest.

Con: She’s the hardest on herself and that can limit her effectiveness.


The humble queen. In the gutters, Valencia sold her matches and befriended the poorest of the poor.

Source Fairy Tale: The Little Match Girl (Andersen)

Pro: She never forgets her downtrodden beginnings and shares with those less fortunate.

Con: Sometimes she’s a bit stubborn in her point-of-view.


The joyous queen. Want a good party? Attend one of Cinderella’s. 

Source Fairy Tales: Cinderella (Grimm, not Perault)

Pro: A glass half-full girl with a head full of romantic ideals, especially trying to play matchmaker to her sisters.

Con: Her attention may be diverted from what’s really important.

Snow White

The friendship queen. When you meet her, you meet your new best friend..

Source Fairy Tale: Snow White (Grimm), Snow-White and Red-Rose (Grimm)

Pro: She gives everyone, rich and poor alive, her full attention.

Con: In a mirror, she often lingers and gives herself her full attention.