Welcome to Tales of Fascination
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My name is Jim Doran and I’m a writer of genre fiction. My blog is composed of short stories, reflections on writing, and shameless plugs for my novels.

Rowan Prose Publishing will be publishing my YA horror novel, Forlorn Harbor, in 2026. I’ve also written several fairytale novels and short stories. I’ve also been included in several anthologies of all genres.
I’m honored to announce I’ve signed a contract with Rowan Prose Press for Forlorn Harbor (above is the teaser cover). I’m busy preparing for the launch date in 2026. Please read the Forlorn Harbor page in the meantime.
The easiest way to find all my novels is to go to my author site on Amazon: Jim Doran on Amazon. There you will find:
- My four fairytale novels: Kingdom Come; On Earth, As It Is; Deliver Us, and Will Be Done. They are a series, but each stands alone and may be read independently of the others.
- My two collections of short stories in the world of my novels: Kingdom’s Advent and Kingdom’s Ascension
- Anthologies I’ve been published in Moonlight and Claws, Havok Casting Call , Who’s the Monster , Havok Legendary, Tales from the Forest, Don’t Go In the Water and The Invisible Files. (Unfortunately, some of these are out of print on Amazon – check out Ye Olde Dragon Publishing for copies.)
Below is my gallery for my novels and anthologies. Scroll to see the covers
Contact me at: jim.doran.author@gmail.com, @jdoran711 (twitter), @jimdoranauthor (Instagram).
I’ve published over fifteen short stories in various online publications, including Havok and Every Day Fiction.
Learn more about Kingdom, read more stories, and enjoy art inspired by the world by visiting Kingdom Fantasy.
Read more about Kingdom Come here: What type of novel is Kingdom Come?
Special pages for my published novels:
Forlorn Harbor – A YA Horror Novel (coming in 2026)
Kingdom Come – First Kingdom Fantasy Novel
On Earth As It Is – Second Kingdom Fantasy Novel
Deliver Us – Third Kingdom Fantasy Novel
Will Be Done – Fourth Kingdom Fantasy Novel
Kingdom’s Advent – First book of short stories set in Kingdom
Kingdom’s Ascension – Second book of short stories set in Kingdom
I have a section of free short stories in case you want to “read before you buy.” I also break down the stories I’ve published elsewhere. Select Sample Story Overview for free stories, or Published Stories to read about my tales that superstar publishers have published in anthologies or online.
I include passwords to bonus stories in my novels. If you’re looking for the short story Heaven, note that it’s password-protected for people who have bought On Earth, As It Is. The same is true for The Green-Haired Abductor. It is password protected for those who bought Will Be Done.
If you’re looking for the short stories It’s a Beautiful Thing or The Magnficent Seven, note that they are password protected as well. The story, Bonhomie Rhapsody, a short story set during Deliver Us, is free.
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