Review of The Supremacy Witch

Marion Mavis’ The Supremacy Witch kicks off a series of fantasy novels in which witches travel around a fantasy world of non-witches called Nomystics. Light and dark witches exist in covens with the light witches ruling the people in the beginning. The witches are organized in covens and our main […]

Review of Odin Inheritance

The Odin Inheritance by Victoria L. Scott is a steampunk, urban fantasy set in Cambridge, England and centered on a young lady named Ariana Trevelyan. She’s a college student, a tinkerer, and an expert dart-thrower. A game of darts opens the book—a skill Ariana has recently acquired. While she’s worked […]

Review of Blue Rabbit

Blue Rabbit, a YA portal fantasy by Jimena I. Novaro, chronicles the adventures of five teenagers who cross over into an alien world from Knoxville, TN. Their crossing comes with consequences, and the five suddenly find themselves struggling to save both worlds while keeping themselves alive. I have a preference […]

The Sequel to Kingdom Come

I am happy to announce the sequel to my first novel Kingdom Come, entitled On Earth, As It Is. This book will be a standalone novel as well as a sequel. Most characters will return, and a number of new characters will be introduced. I don’t think I’m giving too […]

The Last Dragon Princess

The Last Dragon Princess is a young adult, fantasy novel by Cynthia Payne. I was honored to be a beta reader for an earlier draft, and I purchased and reread it in order to review the official version of the book. The story centers on a young woman named Danu, […]