Review of Final Chance

E. B. Roshan’s Final Chance: Shards of Sevia is a drama set in a fictional country (Sevia) currently in the middle of a major internal conflict. The ethnic Turs and the Sevia majority are violently clashing until Europe sends peacekeeping troops. With this tenuous situation in place, a young woman […]

Review of Havok World Tour

Havok’s new anthology promises to take us on a world tour of stories set around the Earth. For this Havok anthology, I rated each story based on three categories: story, mechanics, and theme. The story rating is how much it entertained, its creativity, the stakes/conflict. In essence, how moving was […]

Review Blood Secrets

Morgan L. Busse’s Blood Secrets is the second of the Skyworld duology. In SkyWorld, the land has been overridden with a green mist containing deadly spores that reanimate corpses. Called “The Turned,” these zombie-like creatures roam the countryside. But the mist hasn’t reached the higher altitudes, so many people live […]

Review Children of the Wild

Children of the Wild by debut author Krysta Tawlks is a historical fantasy about magic and creatures with a hint of steampunk. But what it’s really about is family, loss, guilt, and revelations. While the setting may adhere close to certain Steinbeck novels—a rare choice for a fantasy novel—the plot […]

Review My Brother’s Keeper

Tim Powers is a name more people should know. His The Annubis Gates and Declare novels are essential reading to any speculative fiction fan. And his On Stranger Tides populated many of the ideas of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, not only the fourth one. Now he’s back with […]

Review Legend of the Tempest Teaser

Legend of the Tempest Teaser is the third entry in the award-winning Stormwatch Diaries series. This MG / YA offering by Kristiana Sfirlea advances the characters and plot of the first two novels of a world populated by character angels, inherent magical abilities, ghost wargs, time paradoxes, sentient stormclouds, and […]

Review Don’t Go in the Water

Full disclosure that I’m a contributor in this anthology. This review focuses on the other stories in the collection except mine. Don’t Go in the Water is the third in the Classic Monster Series from Ye Olde Dragon Press. After tackling the wolfman and the Frankenstein monster, the publishers have […]

Review of The Shadow Realm

Abigail Manning writes fairytale and nursery rhyme retellings set in many realms: the Emerald Realm, the Ruby Realm, etc. In this story, she weaves a tale out of not only fairy tales but Halloween, including monster archetypes. Welcome to The Shadow Realm. The full title is The Shadow Realm: A […]

Review of Potion

Potion is the first in a set of planned novels by Dorlana Vann in the Witchy Fairy Tale series. The narrative was assembled from a Kindle Vella offering into a novel for consumers who binge watch an entire series rather than week by week (raises hand). Melrose is a loner […]