Review of Episode Thirteen

Craig DiLouie’s Episode 13 is Ghost Hunters meets found footage as recorded in book form. Three paranormal researchers, one cameraperson, and one scientist explore a haunted house to determine the existence of ghosts. When it comes to the thirteenth episode, their ghost chasing series hits the jackpot—a place called the […]

Review of The Invisible Files

The Classic Monsters Series by Ye Olde Dragon Press starts with a classic monster and then twists the theme. This continues with The Invisible Files: Classic Monster Series #4. The twist must be a departure from the tried and true. For the Invisible Files anthology, The Invisible Man (or Woman) […]

Review of Specter Inspector

Specter Inspector (Series Title: Dead and Back Again) is a second series following the Haunted Romance trilogy by C. Rae D’Arc. The reader may start with Specter Inspector without reading the prior series, though the first trilogy is highly recommended. This novel moves forward in time about fifteen years, starts […]

Review Judgment Call

Judgment Call – Shards of Sevia by E. B. Roshan is the fifth in the Shards of Sevia series and a direct sequel to Final Chance, the second book. This set of novels concerns Sevia, a fictional country, torn apart by rival factions. A bloody uprising has caused peacekeeping troops […]

Review Spindelkin

Spindelkin is an enchanting and wonderfully-imagined YA novel by Jean Davis. The queen’s daughter, Amira, suffers through a daily extract of her poisoned blood to remain alive. Cut off from civilization, Amira has only her mother, father, and maids as visitors. One day, Amira finds that the queen has given […]

Review Fake Dating Adrian Hunter

Fake Dating Adrian Hunter is a romantic comedy by Skyla Summers that brings the heat and the hilarity in equal portions. The premise is similar to the movie Anyone But You. Please note that this book was written before that movie. Two ex-lovers come to a remote wedding of their […]

Review of From Horror With Love

From Horror With Love is a novella full of short stories by C. Rae D’Arc set in her world of Novel. Novel is a unique world in which all the countries are genres of books. As such, Novel is made up of Fantasy, Western, Romance, Horror areas as well as […]

Review of Havok Legendary

Havok has released its tenth collection of flash fiction—Legendary Havok: Season Ten. At this point, Havok has earned its stripes as a cornerstone of the flash fiction market. However, some series stretching into the double digits lose their groove. Not true with Legendary. Legendary contains forty-five samples of flash fiction. […]