About Twisted Cypress Way

If you are reading this on July 7, 2022, go to gohavok.com and enjoy a free story by yours truly. I’d appreciate your patronage. Also, this article has spoilers! Including awesome art at the end revealing the monster in the story! https://gohavok.com

Art by Daniel Johnson

“Down Twisted Cypress Way” is my fourth publication in the excellent Havok online magazine—flash fiction, usually speculative. The next six month’s themes are vice & virtue, and this month’s is cowardice and courage. My plan is to write a story for each vice and discuss the vice a bit, in particular, how it relates to fiction.

What is cowardice? It’s not lack of fear or self-preservation but an excessive amount of worry over one’s self-being. Cowardice could lead to some disastrous results in an emergency or in war.

Cowardice to courageousness is an interesting change for people and an interesting arc for a character. When writing a story, the best research to do is to observe people. The real situations in your life lead to the ideas of the story.

In order to make your less-courageous characters interesting, consider charm, tragedy, or connecting to familiar experiences to make them appealing. Scooby Doo is a charming coward. 

Our cowardly hero, Zadie, is not based on anyone I know specifically. However, I’ve met a few women who live in fear because of trauma in their past. Zadie is my reflection of their behavior, and her arc in my story is my prayer for them. I want them to heal, to feel not alone, to understand that the terrors that they’re so afraid of, we’re all afraid of. For the Zadies out there, it’s okay to be afraid but don’t let it define you.

If you read the story, the epilogue is Zadie and Hugo end up getting married and living a wonderful life together. It’s the best happy ending I can give to one of my favorite characters.

Following is an illustration by the talented Dan Johnson of my story, “Down Twisted Cypress Way.”

Art by Daniel Johnson (artisticknack)

Review Havok Casting Call

Cover Casting Call

Havok’s latest anthology, entitled Casting Call, examines many common archetypes of fiction in several genres (fantasy, mystery, comedy, etc.). The magician, the wizened elder, and the sneaky rebel are but a few character types offered in a flash fiction—one thousand words or less—story. As usual, Havok’s high quality is on display across its forty-four entries.

Unlike most of my reviews, my son and I both read all of Havok’s anthologies, so you are treated to two opinions. We each rate the story from 1-10, and I also assign a 1-10 rating to how elegantly the piece is written and how well it captures the archetype. The archetype rating is new for this theme. If I can’t discern the character type, it receives a low rating. If I think the author did a decent job on the character’s archetype, it receives a 5 or 6. If the author, however, keeps within the archetype but does something new or refreshing with it, it receives top marks.

I’m included

Full disclosure. I wrote one of the stories in this anthology. I won’t reference it but will keep this an impartial review. I always review Havok anthologies no matter who are the authors. See Short Stories and Poetry

My top stories strictly based on preference were “A Handful of Twigs,” “Singing Down the Dark,” “The Bodies in Question,” “The Watchman,” “Gone Fishin’,” and “Beacon Across Time.” But the one that stood out for me was “The Good Boy” by Michael Teasdale in the Caregiver / Lover category. To me, this captures the essence of science fiction. Set in the future, it humanizes a non-human caregiver in a poignant way—a very moving piece.

My son’s top stories were “Tomorrow,” “Iron Hood,” “A Handful of Twigs,” “Shiner,” “The Wandmaker’s Offer,” “The Fears,” “Bridge Vigil,” “Save the Cat,” “Gone Fishin’,” “Beacon Across Time,” “I’ll Explain Later,” and “The Nightmare Hunters Before Christmas.” But his favorite story in the anthology was “Blink” because “it was really different.” 

This anthology holds a rare occurrence where both my son and I rated one story very high. This offering could’ve been both of our favorites. The story, “Jester’s Maze” by Lincoln Reed, is easily a standout in this anthology. This piece of flash fiction captures both the essence of Halloween and a chilling thriller at the same time, and I consider this one of the best horror short stories I’ve read this year.

Several stories received high ratings in the writing category including “Fines and Flames,” “Singing Down the Dark,” “Orf vs. the Peak-Beast,” “The Watchman,” “All I Did Was Science,” “Jester’s Maze,” “Paperbound,” and “Blink.” The runner-up for best written was “The Ruler and the Rebel” by Andrew Winch—some wonderful prose here. However, if I had to choose one, I would say you will find some superb writing in “Beacon Across Time” by Teddi Deppner. The words just flow across this engaging entry.

And how about the theme? This was the most fun part of the anthology for me. The creative ways people used the archetypes in the story often delighted me. I cannot describe some of these stories because of spoilers. For Ruler/Rebel, read “Tomorrow” and “The Ruler and the Rebel.” A unique magic “system” exists in “Singing Down the Dark.” And stereotypes are ridiculed in “The Bodies in Question.” Sometimes a fighter is more than someone who battles others as in “The Hero of Kittens.” And “Just a Hench,” told by a henchwoman looking for a job, is a wonderful study in point-of-view. “The Path Home” won me over in the Creator/Explorer category (it has both). The Caregiver role has a dark side in “Paperbound.” And “Gone Fishin’” is such an original idea, one has to read it to believe it. The innocent narrator in “Beacon Across Time” learns a valuable lesson from an unlikely alien species. A child’s wish has power in “Dandelion Wishes.” And even a hobo has to start somewhere in “Blink.”

This category has a tie for the best of the best. Both stories are about caregivers, and the two stories couldn’t be more different. The narrator of “Bridge Vigil” is an odd character until you find out her reason. And “A Wake of Vultures” starts with a dying turtle’s wish for a caregiver, but the answer is anything but straightforward.

So what will it be? A courtroom drama where “The Verdict” isn’t the final judgment? A world where “A Handful of Twigs” is significant…or is it? Should you battle giant monsters (“Shiner”) or encounter something deadly in an out-of-the-way tavern (“The Skinwalker”)? From a small girl trying to find “A Path Home” to a “Beacon Across Time” (and space) to an abandoned corn maze named “Jester’s Maze,” everyone will find something they’ll love in Havok’s Casting Call.

Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2W7F7GR

Review What Darkness Fears

Front Cover What Darkness Fears

An anthology that celebrates stories of darkness overcome by the light is a tricky endeavor, to be sure. The best thrillers put their audience into the depths of the pit, and readers won’t be satisfied with a cheat or treacly ending. This premise makes a promise—expect darkness, then watch it fail.

For certain, the anthology doesn’t cheat on the number of offerings and poetry. The panoply of stories offer everything from ghosts to leprechauns, and the poetry have a similar wide range. This reviewer doesn’t feel qualified to review poetry so you won’t see any further mention of the poems other than to say they were all enjoyable and creative.

Many prose entries stand out, not surprising as this book has a few Realm nominations (as of this writing). One of them, “The Forbidden Library” by Anne J. Hill, is steeped in mystery and takes unexpected turns through most of the story. Atmospheric and creepy at the start, the tale resolves with an interesting premise. This also wins the award for being a story that writers will appreciate the most.

“The Guardian of the Maelstrom” by Maseeha Seedat, describes just what a ship in the middle of a rageful tempest will encounter when it sails into the eye of the storm. The technical language, the memorable main character, and the vivid descriptions of the sea is a unique combination of Melville and Derelith.

Many ghost stories inhabit the pages of this book, each with their own flavor. “The Ghost in the Thicket” has darkness but also mystery. While set in modern day, it has an appealing Victorian tone to it that kept me enthralled throughout. I was sorry to see this one end.

While fantasy is a common genre through the book, Beka Gremikova’s “A Taste of Life” took the world building of a fantasy novel and captured it in a short story. The reader senses the history, the culture, and the tragedy through the details of this delightful entry. A beautiful tale of love lost—but not entirely—this offering will remain in your memory long after it’s done.

A few of these stories read like a Twilight Zone episode but one is more suited to the television show Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Because of its singularity, “Nightfall” by D. A. Randall makes an impression as a huis clos premise with a wonderful twist at the end. To me, this story saluted old black-and-white thrillers. I would pay to see this on the silver screen.

“The Headless Henwoman and the Kissing Curse” by Kristiana Sfirlea is so unique that it’s hard to describe. In the humor section, its laugh-a-minute narrative concerns a headless henwoman, headless hens, headless horsemen, headless horses. Oh jeez, just about everyone is headless and yet the story isn’t so grim as it is grin. But wrapped in its absurd premise is the complex character Sable and lessons on life’s (or death’s) true purpose.

Overall, What Darkness Fears is a great read any time of year, and certainly any time you desire an intriguing collection of a triumph over darkness. So go ahead and read your dark tales in October, but remember that Darkness has an enemy, and fear it, it should.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/What-Darkness-Fears-Anne-Hill/dp/1956499008

Review of Odriel’s Heirs

Odriel’s Heirs, the first in a high fantasy series by Hayley Reese Chow, is an exciting YA adventure with a rich world and history. In the distant past, a demon named Nifras invaded the southern portion of the country with his hordes of the undead. The god Odriel gifted three heroes with special abilities to combat the demon: one defender produces fire, one melts in the shadows, and the final heals the other two. The trio pushed back Nifras and saved everyone, and their gifts were passed down through the generations in case the demon ever returned.

This backstory sets up the novel. Kaia Dashul, a descendant of the dragon fire warrior and Klaus, a descendant of the shadow-based fighter are two of the heirs. This time, though, the threat is not from Nifras only, but a necromage named Ariston who has been raising the dead to fight the demon. Ariston can’t control his horde, and they’ve been running rampant all over the land. Meanwhile, there are rumors that Nifras himself is gathering his forces in the south.

Kaia must first find her father and Klaus as well as the fate of Jago the healer heir. With her trusty ragehound Gus at her side, she sets out to her father’s last known location which begins an epic adventure of zombies and madmen, self-confidence and loss, and romance too.

At first, Odriel’s Heirs seems like dozens of other fantasy books. The familiar beats of the hero’s journey are all there. What sets it apart is the deep characterization of Kaia and Klaus and the engaging prose. Hayley Reese Chow is a superb writer who is able to transport a reader to an unfamiliar world yet connect it to experiences and emotions of the everyday. This allows readers to be swept up in an epic tale they could never experience yet also identify with the events occurring. As an example, Kaia’s dog Gus speaks to her in her mind and serves a function of controlling her power. Any dog owner easily recognizes scenes where Gus and Kaia interact and yet no one has ever heard a dog’s voice. Wise narrative choices like including Gus populate the unfamiliar with the familiar, urging the reader to turn just one more page.

The prose moves along despite the world’s special names for its creatures and locations. Yet the plot turns surprisingly dark at certain points in the story. Not grimdark but relatable as every battle has a cost, and every wrong choice has a consequence. And though it is part of a series, this reviewer appreciated that the novel is self-contained and does not abruptly end. The only minor quibble is the changing of names of everything. Sometimes ordinary creatures may have a special talent that gives it a new name, drawing attention to the word itself (e.g. Gus is a ragehound, not a hound). Yet this is only noticeable as the novel starts and improves as the narrative advances.

Odriel’s Heirs is an exciting, adventure-filled, epic fantasy with rich archetypes and a detailed world to discover. Kaia Dashul’s story of necromancers and devils is a must-read for all who love sword and sorcery fantasy.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0838R4DTB

Cover of novel

Review of Moonflower Murders

Andrew Horowitz’s Moonflower Murders is a sequel to the acclaimed Magpie Murders, which in turn was Horowitz’s take on an Agatha Christie novel. One of the best writers to adapt other author’s styles (he’s done Conan Doyle and Fleming), Horowitz once again takes up the mantle to produce not one but two mystery stories. The first has a modern flair, but the other is in the style of the premier Grand Dame of Mystery herself.

Like Magpie, Horowitz has a story within a story. Retired editor Susan Ryeland is approached by the owners of Branlow Hall, a quaint inn in Suffolk, to solve the disappearance of their daughter. Why did they want to hire an editor? Because the owners believe Susan has edited a book in her past that contains the clues to both their daughter’s whereabouts and a murder that happened years ago at the inn.

Some context. When she was an editor, Susan worked with Alan Conway, a brilliant mystery writer who wrote cozy mysteries with a German detective, Atticus Pünd. Alan also visited Branwell Manor soon after a murder occurred there looking for inspiration for his next novel, Atticus Pünd Takes the Case. Not only did Alan find material for the story, he also figured out the identity of the killer. While writing the fictional story of a murder connected to his version of Branwell, Conway left subtle clues within the text pointing to the “real” murderer. The owner’s daughter read the story years later, spotted the clues, but then vanished after telling her parents she discerned the secrets Conway wrote about. The owners of Branlow Hall—known as the Moonflower Hotel in Conway’s novel—want Susan to investigate, and she agrees.

Thus begins the first mystery. About two-thirds the way through, Susan sits down and rereads Atticus Pünd Takes the Case. And that is the hook that makes Moonflower Murders stick in this reader’s memory. In the middle of this book, another story starts over—with a cover, copyright, chapter, and full novel included—allowing the reader to read the book Susan edited. Inserting the fictional novel is one of the cleverest gimmicks I’ve seen in writing in a long time, if not ever.

This review must evaluate Moonflower Murders and Atticus Pünd Takes the Case each on their own terms as they are two different mysteries.

For the Atticus Pünd novel, it effectively mimics Agatha Christie. Like Magpie Murders, I found Horowitz’s cozy mystery a delight to read. I enjoy Dame Christie’s novels and most of the Golden Age books so this should come as no surprise. The set up and solution was fun, and it could stand in that age as one of the better offerings.

But what about the modern-day murders in Branlow Hall? Again, this mirrored Magpie Murders for me as the action in the “real” world had to tie into the cozy mystery. While it does so effectively, the “actual” murders are more mundane. Also, too many coincidences occur in the “real world,” and the solution, though it makes sense, wasn’t as thrilling.

While the gimmick is top-notch, one has to wonder if it had been better for Anthony Horowitz to have just published the cozy mysteries “in the style of Agatha Christie.” He had done this in the past with Ian Fleming. I find his Atticus Pünd stories the best parts of these novels, though perhaps others who enjoy modern mysteries might disagree.

Moonflower Murders has taken the story within a story idea and elevated it to a new level. The major clue for solving the mystery at Branlow Hall is sitting within the pages of Atticus Pünd Takes the Case right where the missing daughter spots it. A fun read, though the cozy mystery overshadows the modern one. It’s two-books-in-one for mystery lovers everywhere.

Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084VRHJX8

Casting Call

Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09X7QBJDM

I’m honored and pleased to be included in Havok’s anthology entitled Casting Call. This book of flash fiction—one thousand words or less for those who are wondering—was released in April 2022. Havok is one of the most popular and admired in the writing industry. They publish primarily speculative fiction under themes every half-year. During the months of July to December 2021, the theme centered on archetypes such as Caregiver or Rebel. The writer had a choice of two archetypes per month and could include one or both.

When I read the theme, I scoped out October as one of my goals each year is to write a scary story in the Halloween month. I’ve always loved horror stories and was an early reader of Stephen King, Ramsey Campbell, and Peter Straub. I remember reading King talking about Richard Matheson and sought him out too. I consider Matheson to be one of the pillars of the horror novel community.

Matheson was nearly perfect at taking an archetype and twisting it into an original, often terrifying, alternate. He was the first to see a monster as a plague in I Am Legend, long before Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. He was the first to imagine gremlins on a commercial airliner in “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet.” Murderous dolls? “Prey.” And other stories which aren’t in the public’s consciousness like “Born of Man and Woman.”

Taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary, whether in fantasy (Dorothy’s tornado transferring her to Oz), science fiction (a DeLorean time machine) or horror (a small Maine town infested by vampires) has always attracted me. I know tornados, cars, and small towns exist and can connect to them as a reader. But then the author infuses in them something supernatural like a dash of unexpected seasoning in a familiar recipe. The flavoring transports me into a world I could believe in even though I know it’s not real.

So, what scary story could I write for Halloween? I had the archetypes of Everyman and Jester. I decided on the Jester type to be central to my story, but what kind of jester? And then I thought of a stand-up comic, and the plot started falling into place.

Mimicking Matheson, I started the story in a familiar location. A park, the end of a successful first date, possibly a kiss? This could be the trappings of a romantic tale, but my goal was to transport the reader. Something familiar, turned on its head, into something memorable.

Happy reading.

Review of Plight of the Rokan Boy

Cover of Plight of the Rokan Boy

Gordon Greenhill’s second MG novel in his The Relics of Errus novels, Plight of the Rokan Boy, starts off quite differently from the first in the series. The initial offering of Relics mirrored the spirit of the beginning of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. This second entry starts off like Prince Caspian by describing the travails of a young boy in the portal world. Unlike Narnia’s sequel where the plot switched back to the main characters of the first book, Plight continues on from the boy’s point-of-view. No sequences of beginning on Earth, finding the portal, and traveling through it exist in Plight. Instead, the book starts right in the middle of the portal world with a runaway who is searching for his mother.

This decision works to this entry’s advantage as the boy, Romul, meets the protagonists from the first novel, Flight of the Skycricket. Back are the lovable Hoover sisters: Eli, Anna, and Rose but this time we’re observing them from Rokan’s viewpoint. Romul is an irascible misanthrope and doesn’t want to have anything to do with the three girls. Yet, he is drawn into an adventure with the sisters as they travel to a new (to them) corner of the world of Errus.

Romul is part of the Rokans, also known as the “latecomers.” A race of people the rest of the world looks down on, they survive by serving the Garlandium people. They dye their hair white and believe in a deity called the Queen of Anguish, not the gods of the Garlands. Romul has recently found out his “mother” kidnapped him as a child and is not his actual birth mother. Following the advice of a seer, he sets out for Halighyll, a busy city within Garlandium where he meets the sisters.

From there, a priest sets the foursome off to a distant city to meet an inventor on a seaside mission. Their quest takes them deep below both the water and the ground while encountering all sorts of interesting characters.

A second in a trilogy often has the feeling of incompleteness. And while this story does end, it leaves the narrative wide open to what comes next. In this way, it succeeds as the bridging narrative between book one and book two. As in the first novel, the threats feel legitimate and an inspired twist occurs near the end. The plot contains everything a reader would want in a fantasy adventure.

Comparing the books doesn’t really help decide whether to read it or not. Overall, the book leaves its audience both satisfied and wanting more. To that, I say, “bring on the third book.”

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091WXF1VY

Review of Flight of the Skycricket

Cover Flight of the Skycricket

Flight of the Skycricket by Gordon Greenhill has Narnian DNA but stands on its own as a middle-grade fantasy adventure. The story of three young girls who travel to another world where science and myth are the same—yet still debated—brings Lewis’ themes into the twenty-first century. And while the novel starts with a similar plot, it quickly establishes its own world and legends.

When Eli, Anna, and Rose are forced to move from Chicago to North Carolina into a house which doubles as a museum, they find themselves in an unfamiliar, new world. Eli is the oldest and the reader of the family whereas Anna is more adventurous. Rose is the youngest. Exploring the house is their only option to avoid a strict housekeeper and a mostly absent father. While in a tucked-away room, Rose finds an interesting artifact, and their father recounts a legend assumedly based on it. Rose uses the item to open a certain “door” which leads to the world of Errus.

From there, the girls encounter monks who are the last of their kind, a war lasting so long it’s called the Everwar, a scientist who has conceived of an unconventional way to cross a desert, and a knight who believes in a legend that serves his aqueous deity. Instead of simply assuming fairy creatures were created as part of this world, the author has designed a clever way to incarnate sprites and dwarfs with their corresponding strengths and weaknesses. And what is a skycricket? One of the highlights of the book certainly, providing some of the most thrilling sequences whenever it’s referenced.

But Flight of the Skycricket is deeper than mere thrills and wonder. Themes such as faith versus science (or faith and science in Errus), the adaptation of the open mind to new experiences, how our enemies may share more with our beliefs than first thought, and an argument about the best way to teach history are all intelligently incorporated into this novel. The staples of MG fantasy, about finding out more about oneself and bringing one’s family, whether real or found, together exist here too. But it’s the broader themes that make Skycricket stand out.

With these complex ideas, though, will modern readers accept it? Flight of the Skycricket reliance on a familiar Narnian introduction and then a sequence explaining its world slows the plot down at first. Once the titular Skycricket comes into play however, the narrative hits its stride. Adults and voracious readers of any age will certainly appreciate the novel, but its themes may challenge the typical middle grade reader.
Flight of the Skycricket soars when it explores its incredible world and its history. A tale of portal magic, desert crossings, duels to the death, and legendary sites, the novel is packed with highly creative sequences that will keep the reader’s interest. Along with three engaging main characters, Skycricket is a promising start to a fantasy trilogy.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081J1MN4B

Review of Poisoned Heart: A Retelling of Snow White

Cover of Poisoned Heart

At first, this novel doesn’t appear to be a retelling of Snow White. Its main character, Arabella, is already a princess, and readers might believe this is a fairy tale continuation. Arabella is savvy and mischievous at the start of the story, a characteristic Snow White might have acquired during her happily ever after. But don’t worry, events occur quickly, and Arabella ends up running for her life the same as her fairytale princess counterpart.

Princess Arabella is known for her pranks around the castle, but her mother is not amused. Having lost her father years ago, Arabella is distant from her mother and bored with her many suitors. When an ambassador appears from another country, Arabella can’t resist injecting some mischief in the proceedings. Unfortunately, she ends up creating an international faux-pas. Having to escape from the castle with a guard, and then running through the forest for her life, Arabella finds herself in far over her head.

Snow White, with a dash of the Prince and Pauper thrown in for good measure, is the general narrative of Poisoned Heart. Most of the familiar elements from the fairytale have survived although not in a way the reader expects. A mystery, a romance, and a bit of magic all come together to build a gripping story of maturity and sacrifice. This retelling ought to keep readers on the edge of their seats.

With Snow White retellings, questions arise. Will there be seven dwarves? Wicked stepmothers? Handsome princes? The answer for this novel is yes and no. Author Abigail Manning subverts readers’ expectations and builds a narrative all her own. This keeps the tale interesting. One could lose themselves in the story of Poisoned Heart without realizing it is a Snow White retelling, which works in its favor.

The writing of Poisoned Heart is mostly from Arabella’s point-of-view and is strong and clear. I enjoyed making the journey with the characters, the twists on the old fairytale elements, and the pacing of the novel. The only jarring note is the point of view switch near the end of the novel. Perhaps more chapters from this other point of view earlier would’ve made this stand out less. Nonetheless, this book is worthy to sit on the shelves beside solid Snow White retellings like Marissa Meyer’s Winter.

More stories of the Emerald Realm are forthcoming—a sequel is published as of this review—and the author has laid down enough details to make this reviewer want to visit this world again and again. If this delightful first novel is any indication of what’s to come, readers are in for many wonderful stories.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09L6LGFBF

Review of To Court a Queen

Cover To Court a Queen

“A few bad investments—well gambles—had cost him his horse, his good sword, and most of his travel fund.” In the first chapter of To Court a Queen, we are introduced to our hero, Sir Devin Carlton. Because he is anxious to get home after losing so much, he strays from the main path and ends up in the middle of a land ruled by fairies. To survive, he has to overcome three trials. His prize? He’s “allowed” to marry a self-centered, fairy queen. And if he fails the trials he will be killed.

Some fantasy stories are sweeping epics with extensive world-building and lineage four pages long. Others are fantasies that shine a light on a small corner of their world, are about as long as a typical cozy mystery, and focus on one or two characters. Both can tell a rollicking story. To Court a Queen is in the latter category, and it’s all the better for it. Its focused narrative, quirky take on trope characters, and surprising emotion makes it a gem of a novel. Yes, most every fantasy reader has read about trials and secret, helpful partners, but this one has its own charming way of telling its tale which makes it seem new.

Author H. L. Burke’s knowledge of fantasies, writing skill, and ability to build believable and endearing characters serve the story well. Simple, but meaningful, conversations between Devin and a friend move the story along when he isn’t facing a trial. And while the fairies end up worse than a mean girls clique at high school, not all of them are hostile to our hero. And the cover should clue you in that an animal also plays a role in the narrative.

The humor here is also a lot of fun. Whether Devin’s reaction to an adversary or his response to the queen asking how he could serve her, I laughed more than I thought I would. In this world, fairies don’t understand sarcasm which paves the way for some humorous dialog.

With novels, I go through a stage of initial excitement over the premise to impatience near the end. “Just get to it,” I often cry. I never felt that way with To Court a Queen. In fact, I was disappointed to see it end and wanted to read more about the main characters. This is one book that truly deserves a sequel.

To Court a Queen is a fantasy with a fairy tale vibe worthy of a spot on any reader’s list. This novel makes me excited about what author H.L. Burke will do next in the high fantasy genre.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MYG7526