Review Spindelkin

Spindelkin is an enchanting and wonderfully-imagined YA novel by Jean Davis. The queen’s daughter, Amira, suffers through a daily extract of her poisoned blood to remain alive. Cut off from civilization, Amira has only her mother, father, and maids as visitors. One day, Amira finds that the queen has given […]

Review Fake Dating Adrian Hunter

Fake Dating Adrian Hunter is a romantic comedy by Skyla Summers that brings the heat and the hilarity in equal portions. The premise is similar to the movie Anyone But You. Please note that this book was written before that movie. Two ex-lovers come to a remote wedding of their […]

Review of From Horror With Love

From Horror With Love is a novella full of short stories by C. Rae D’Arc set in her world of Novel. Novel is a unique world in which all the countries are genres of books. As such, Novel is made up of Fantasy, Western, Romance, Horror areas as well as […]

Review of Havok Legendary

Havok has released its tenth collection of flash fiction—Legendary Havok: Season Ten. At this point, Havok has earned its stripes as a cornerstone of the flash fiction market. However, some series stretching into the double digits lose their groove. Not true with Legendary. Legendary contains forty-five samples of flash fiction. […]

Review of The Starless Sea

When an author produces a masterpiece on her first attempt, it’s tempting to compare her second novel to her first. For Rita Morgenstern’s first two works, I won’t compare The Starless Sea to The Night Circus. They are different and only connected by the author’s literary talents. Zachary Ezra Rawlins, […]

Review of Sophie’s Key

From the blurb of Sophie’s Key, I don’t know why I expected this novel to be a PG-rated Time-Traveler’s-Wife-type adventure. This novel is strong on romance, light on time travel, and just the right amount of action. Sophie Sanders is a woman looking for a new start. After inheriting a […]

Review of The French Powder Mystery

The French Powder Mystery is a golden age novel “authored by” Ellery Queen who is also the protagonist. The true authors were cousins Frederic Dannay and Manfred Lee who collaborated on many of this celebrated sleuth’s mysteries. The first eight published are known as the international series because they have […]

The Witches of Deliver Us

Another outstanding illustration by Daniel Johnson, this depiction of the witches of Deliver Us delivers all the salient details of our three main villains. Pictured left to right is Picana, Mya, and Tomana. Picana uses lightning to torture her victims. Insane Mya’s go to method is poison. Tomana is the […]

Review of Tales from the Forest

Full disclosure that I have a story in this anthology. I will only be reviewing the rest of the stories. All remarks below exclude my own story, including the count—twelve stories exist in this anthology. The fairy tale of Red Riding Hood is a cautionary tale in the category of […]

Seeing Red: A Reflection

Looking at my last name and the last name of the author of Seeing Red, you’ll understand why this isn’t a review. My brother is author T. M. Doran. As such, this posting is not a proper review of this novel, it won’t receive a rating, and it won’t be […]