A Writer Without A Tribe

It’s true. I have no tribe. A writer’s tribe (as I understand it because I don’t have one) is a close-knit group who reviews each other’s work and provides useful feedback. Tribespeople are people you trust with that work that is most sacred to you…your story. It would be wonderful […]

Thriller Short Stories

My thriller story, “Words to Live By,” is published today, Oct. 7, 2021. It’s free here only on that day: https://gohavok.com. Below is a list of thrillers, a few hidden gems, to read round the year and then especially at Halloween. Thrillers to read any time of the year Nathaniel […]

Review of Vision

Vision by Hope Bolinger is the third novel in her trilogy starting with Blaze and continuing with Den. Both books had similar stories of a young-adult group of friends trying to stay true to their beliefs and ideals. Vision wraps up the trilogy. Reviewing a trilogy with an ongoing main […]

Review of Party

Party is the sixth in the Arca series by Karen Diem in which a number of coma patients emerged from their condition with superhero powers way back in book one. Arca refers to Zita Garcia, a shapeshifting, teleporting, capoeira-fighting superhero. She’s joined by Muse (real name: Wyn) and Wingspan (Andy) […]

Review of Legend of the Rainbow Eater

Kristiana’s Sfirlea’s second novel in The Stormwatch Diaries series, Legend of the Rainbow Eater, is like a dream. In fact, dreams pervade the story from the first chapter onward. But this isn’t what I mean. The book itself takes on the aspects of a dream. While reading it, the narrative […]

Review of Sensational

When Havok publishes an anthology, my son and I read them, approximately one a night, and then compare notes. We give a 1 to 10 rating after finishing each tale. We finished Havok’s latest, Sensational, where the usual blend of mystery, science fiction/fantasy, humor, and thriller offerings are centered on […]