Adventure Reviews

This page will contain reviews that fall into the category of Adventure or Adventure Fantasies. Includes superhero, Indiana Jones, and survival type of novels.

The Arca Series by Karen Diem: Super (Book 1), Human (Book 2), Power (Book 3), Monster (Book 4), Toga (Book 5) Party (Book 6). And the Arca Short Stories.

Merona Grant and Tomb of Golgotha (Brina Willaimson).

The Supervillain Rehabilitation Project (H. L. Burke): Reformed , Redeemed

The Supervillain Romance Project (H. L. Burke): Blind Date with a Supervillain .

The Toward the Gleam Series by T M Doran: Toward the Gleam (Book 1, not reviewed), The Lucifer Ego (Book 2), Kataklusmos (Book 3).